Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By using our website, you agree that we place cookies. More information can be found in our privacy statement.

Privacy and cookie statement

At Hy2Care we process data from visitors to our website. People who take a look at our website are visitors of the website. Processing means several things: data is, among other things, stored, analyzed and interpreted. We do everything we can to process data safely and carefully. The processed personal data are the most important for us in this regard.

In this privacy statement you can read which data Hy2Care processes and why we do this. You can also read here what your rights are and how to submit a request to us about the processing of your data. Hy2Care acts as controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are therefore responsible for the processing of your data. It also means that we determine for what purpose we need your data and which means we use for this. In this statement we are talking about Hy2Care, because this is the name by which customers and website visitors know us.

Which personal data does Hy2Care process?

Below is an overview of the personal data processed by Hy2Care.

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number

Why are your personal data processed?

Hy2Care only processes data insofar as this is necessary for our services. We only process your personal data for the purposes listed below.
- To answer questions asked via the contact form.

Your privacy and third parties

None of the processed data is used for commercial purposes. We will only share your data with others to fulfill a legal obligation. For example, a police claim may oblige us to share your data with the police.

What are your rights?

As a user of our website and services, you have some privacy rights at your disposal. For example, you can ask us to inspect or correct, move or delete your personal data. In addition, it is possible to request that further processing of your personal data be temporarily stopped or even objected to this. If you would like to exercise these rights or know more about them, please contact us. In order not to just tinker with the wrong personal data, we can ask you to identify yourself adequately.

It is also possible to contact us if you do not want to exercise one of your privacy rights, but want to make a complaint about something you are not satisfied with. More information about this can be found at


We take strict security measures to prevent misuse of and unauthorized access to your personal data. In this way we ensure that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to your data is protected and that our security measures are regularly checked. In addition, we use SSL certificates for the secure transfer of your data and your communication with us.

Third Party Internet Sites

This Privacy and cookie statement does not apply to websites of third parties that are connected to this website by means of links.

Contact details

If you have any questions or comments after reading our privacy and cookie statement, please contact us.

Changes Privacy and cookie statement

Hy2Care is entitled to change the content of this Privacy and cookie statement. Changes will be published on this website.

Due to new legislation or other circumstances, we will adjust our privacy statement from time to time. This page always shows the latest version. The last change took place on…

Date: 22-06-2021